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Below are some of the most common questions we hear from our clients

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Have a Question?

Below are some of the most common questions we hear from our clients


Have a Question?

Below are some of the most common questions we hear from our clients

What if my child shows some of these symptoms?


If you are concerned about your child’s behavior, call us so that we can connect you with one of our Psychologists / licensed diagnostician to speak with about your concerns.

I have concerns about my child’s development. Where can I get him/her evaluated?


Go to to begin your child's evaluation process

What are the signs/ red flags of Autism Spectrum Disorder?


Every child with autism can have varying degrees of symptom manifestation. A parent/caregiver should be concerned if there is a delay in speech, repetitive use of language, little or no eye contact, lack of interest in peer relationships, or fixation on a specific part of objects. This is not an exhaustive list and if you have concerns, please reach out to us to speak with one of our licensed professionals.

What can I expect at an autism evaluation?


An evaluation usually includes interaction with the child to understand their language, behavior, and daily living skills. A discussion will also be had with the parent/caregivers to gain their input. Call us to discuss this in more detail with you and we can connect you with our Psychologist/licensed diagnostician.

How does ABA services help with independence?


While every individual is unique, many adults on the spectrum live independent lives. If you have concerns about your child’s ability to function independently, please give us a call to discuss your concerns and find out how we can help.

How should I handle my child’s outbursts, meltdowns and/or tantrums?


Every child is unique and tantrums for varied reasons. As an example, outbursts can be the result of frustration, pain, or a variety of other reasons. If you are having difficulty managing your child’s behavior, please reach out to us to learn how we can help.

Will I ever be able to leave my child alone at home?


Every child will mature at varying levels. If you have concerns about your child’s independence level or skill levels, please reach out to learn how we may be able to help.

My child is having difficulty at mealtime. How can I help my child with eating properly?


Many children with autism have difficulty eating and mealtime can become pretty overwhelming. Issues can be related to physical issues, such as allergies or digestive issues, or aversion to certain foods. We can provide you with guidance on how to determine the cause of the issue and next steps for trying to resolve the issue.

What are Autism “red flags”?


Every child with autism can have varying degrees of symptom manifestation. A parent/caregiver/caregiver should be concerned if there is a delay in speech, repetitive use of language, little or no eye contact, lack of interest in peer relationships, or fixation on a specific part of objects. This is not an exhaustive list and if you have concerns, please reach out to us to speak with one of our licensed clinicians.

What therapies are available to treat Autism?


There are several types of therapies available based upon your child’s needs and age. Please contact us to learn more about out multi-disciplinary program which includes ABA, speech therapy and occupational therapy.

Does insurance cover ABA therapy?


The majority of insurance plans cover treatment for autism treatment; however, coverage does vary from state to state. Our Intake team can assist you in navigating through that process. Please call us to learn more.

What are the benefits of our home-community based ABA program?


Home and Community-based ABA programs for children, youth and young adults can have a tremendous impact on their development and prepare them for the next stage of their lives. For school-aged children, home and community-based services can provide them with the skills that they need to live more independently and socially engage within their community.

What are the benefits from receiving infant and toddler home and community-based early intervention services?


Home and Community-based early intervention services can have a tremendous impact during a critical period of development for young children and will prepare them for the next stage of their lives.

Does infant and toddler early intervention services cost money?


Infant and toddler early intervention services are at no cost to your family.

What is an IFSP?


An individualized family service plan (IFSP) is a unique plan designed by a multidisciplinary team to describe information about your child’s strengths and areas of need.

If my child is found eligible for infant and toddler early intervention services, how can I select Kutamani Developmental Services to be my preferred service provider for infant and toddler early intervention services?


If you prefer Kutamani Developmental Services to be your ongoing service provider after evaluation, let your service coordinator know to add Kutamani Developmental Services to your child’s IFSP.

If I have concerns about my child’s development, where can I get him/her evaluated?


Visit to learn more

Who is eligible for infant and toddler early intervention services?


Children ages 0-3 with an early childhood diagnosis, known physical or mental disability with likelihood of developmental delay or who demonstrates at least a 25% delay in one or more areas of speech and language, cognitive, physical, adaptive or social emotional development.

What could I do at home to help my child meet their developmental milestones?


At home, you may promote early developmental skills through interacting with your child through play, exploring senses, reading and talking with your child, listening to music and dancing, while limited screen time.

How can I prepare for my child’s evaluation?


Inform your service coordinator if there is a need for an interpreter or someone to assist you with completing forms. Have your child’s prior health history information handy to answer questions if needed. Prepare a list of questions you may also have about service delivery.

What can I expect from an infant and toddler early intervention evaluation?


With your parental consent, a multidisciplinary team will utilize the DAYC-2 Assessment Tool to assess your child’s functioning in developmental areas of speech and language, cognitive, physical, social emotional, and adaptive development.

What are the signs of developmental delay in young children?


A developmental delay refers to when your child has not yet met their developmental milestones in either areas of speech and language, physical development, social emotional, adaptive skills or cognitive functioning.

What are early intervention services?


Infant and toddler early intervention programming is a system of services and supports available to help families of children with developmental delays or disabilities.


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